Friday, 14 December 2007

Talking About Maths, Part I

Lots of materials and prompts on the Medway site:

Also includes resources for visualisation, AfL and vocabulary bookmarks.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Mathematical Images

A host of mathematical images, some animated, which can be used freely.

How To Improve Your Maths Grade (Without Knowing Any More)

An article on 9 ways to avoid losing marks on the GCSE. Aimed at students taking the Intermediate tier, but applicable to others as well.

In a similar vein, "Stop Making Stupid Mistakes" at The Art of Problem Solving has a slightly blunter approach:

Friday, 7 December 2007

Creative Thinking

Prompts and activities which could be used in different subjects or in form time.

Make A Jigsaw

Free Tarsia software to make jigsaws, card sorts, dominoes and Follow Me/loop cards - could be used for any subject, but it allows you to format expressions and equations correctly.

Once you have downloaded it, you can also view, edit and print other .fjsw files.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Graphs: Interpreting Line Graphs With Archimedes

An entertaining animated resource in which the depth of Archimedes' bath is graphed.

KS2 Maths Test Analysis

From the Luton Learning Grid: Juliet Parker has produced sheets for analysing the KS2 National Curriculum Tests.

Test A, 2004,view_resource&start=1&kw=&el=&sc=11&id=5368

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Travel Graphs: Distance-Time

Some Flash movies from Australia:

The journey of a single car - animation on one side, with the graph drawn simultaneously on the other side.

Same format, but with several cars.

GCSE Maths Revision Guide

A brilliant, colourful resource, which breaks down all the skills and shows exactly what you need to do for each grade in each topic.